Thursday, February 2, 2012

Song of Roland

This is going to be a boring post.

I say that because it's about a Medieval text: The Song of Roland. This is what happens when I take required literature classes my second semester senior year--oopsie. I really prefer American literature and, obv, children's.The poem isn't really that bad if you pretend like it's a movie--think Braveheart. It's all about Charlemagne and his nephew (who may or may not have actually existed). It's a pretty alright read the second time around. Don't get caught up on the nuances of the text; rather, I recommend that you get caught up on the blood and guts, namely brains oozing out of ears and swords cutting through soldiers' heads and faces. Fun fun!


I recently fished this book. 

Don't read it; I'll give you the gist. So, basically, taste is complicated. Also, we're culturally conditioned to like things that are "cool," and we're determined to gain as much cultural capital as we can throughout our lifetimes. Got it? Yeah, me too.

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